Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Leaving Today

I leave today at 1:30!! It's so weird, I'm going to Europe today. I can't help but be thankful. God is so good!!! So of course, I started packing last night, which means I got very little sleep and I still have a few things to do this morning. :) I'm pretty sure I have everything. I wish I would've taken pictures to show you guys, everything was everywhere in nice neat little piles, it looked funny. Now it's all crammed into a suitcase that I am seriously hoping weighs under 70 lbs.
Just to let you know, the first couple of days are packed with orientation, touring the city, and getting to know each other activities so I might not be able to post for awhile, hopefully on Saturday. On Sunday we leave for Istanbul!!! (probably the part I am most excited about, there is so much history there) I need addresses, so if you are reading this, leave a comment with your name and address.
Finally, and most importantly, I got an email from my future roommate. Her grandmother died recently. She was incredibly close to her grandmother and loved her a lot. Jenny sent me the email warning me that she might be a little sad and why. Please pray for her and for me, that I would have wisdom, that God would use this to draw her close to Him, and that she would be open to me. Pray that she would choose life, not sadness or depression.
Thanks guys, I love you and I definitely already miss you. I've read that entire encouragement book at least twice already!
I know you guys will have so much fun this weekend, I'm praying for you, and for all your kids. God's going to do amazing things!!! Go change the world.
In Him,


Ashley said...

ummm...so you're on a plane right now...crazy! I will be praying for you and your roommate! I want you to know that I want to be covering you in prayer while you're gone...so if there is anything specific I need to be praying...you just let me know:)

My address:
1016 Chapman Rd.
Crawford, TX 76638

I love you and can't wait to see all that God does during this season!

- Goad

Mama Mary said...

Gosh Meghan,
That was a crazy departure. You were right about the two medium bags-I am so sorry, you did not need that extra stress. Molly was so sad she missed you. She got you some cute things from Greece. We forgot the big bottle of ranch!!!!! I have a vision for future trips. I think we did really well, but there is always room for improvement. You are still flying northeast over the US (Michael showed me how to track your flight). You will arrive in Amsterdam at 4:30 AM our time. I pray you took a Tylenol PM and are resting peacefully. I pray you are refreshed for the days ahead, so you can absorb and do all God has laid out before you. It is such an amazing opportunity and I applaud your courage in stepping out. God is going to meet you at every corner. I trust His divine protection over your life. These are some of the many good works He has placed before you to walk in. . Sweet dreams. I look forward to hearing from you. I feel better knowing I can write to you. I will let you know when we get skype figured out and get a webcam. Pray the health card works out. I love you so much and am so proud of you. xoxoxoxoxoxo, Mom

mykey0067 said...

Meghan i love you have a awesome trip i guess our on the plane right now. be safe did i tell you i wanted a knife lol jk well have fun love you